BCCIS WEST – Admissionsadmin2024-11-26T16:27:08+02:00 BCCIS WEST - Application Form "*" indicates required fields A- Student InformationName:* First Middle Last Grade Applying to:* Gender:* DOB:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Passport No.:* Nationality:* Religion:* Country of Birth:* Language at home: B- Current School /Nursery AttendedName: Curriculum: Grade: C- Previous Schools Attended (Ordered by most recent)Previous School Name: Date Entered: Date Left: Curriculum: Previous School Name: Date Entered: Date Left: Curriculum: If the student ever repeated a grade, which grade? If the student ever skipped a grade, which grade?D- TransportationWill the student require bus transportation?* Yes No Home address:* Home Location:* E- Parent / Guardian InformationRelationship to Student:Parent First Guardian* Parent Second Guardian Full Name:Parent First Guardian Full Name* Parent Second Guardian Full Name Home Telephone No.First Guardian Home Telephone No.*Second Guardian Home Telephone No. Mobile Phone No.First Guardian Mobile Phone No.* Second Guardian Mobile Phone No. E-mailParent Email* NationalityParent First Guardian Nationality Parent Second Guardian Nationality AddressFirst Guardian Address Second Guardian Address OccupationFirst Guardian Occupation Second Guardian Occupation OrganizationFirst Guardian Organization Second Guardian Organization F- Custody:Custody Parents are: Custody: G- SiblingsSiblings Name: Siblings Age: Siblings Current School / Nursery: Siblings Current Grade: H- Emergency Contact (other than guardians)Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Phone No.: Relationship to Student: I- Medical informationBlood type: Surgical History: Current Medication: Allergies: Chronic Diseases: Special conditions: Other conditions: social, behavioral, and/or emotional J- Additional informationAdditional information:Agree to Terms and Conditions*I certify that all of the information provided are true, complete, and accurate and authorize BCCIS to request additional information from teachers/counselors/expert professionals for verification. Acceptance of the child is dependent upon successful fulfillment of our admission requirements. By accepting an application, the school does not guarantee student admission. I hereby give permission to the school clinic to administer all necessary checkups, first aid non- prescriptive medications and to act in casualties and emergencies including admittance to hospital in case of emergency. I agree to the terms and conditions.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.